Saya senang pernah mendapat kesempatan untuk berpendidikan di SMP Kartini 1. Banyak pengalaman yang menjadi pembelajaran untuk saya. Saya diajarkan untuk amanah dan memiliki tanggung jawab penuh atas diri dan masa depan saya. Senang bisa mengenal teman - teman serta seluruh guru dan staff di SMP Kartini 1. Semoga SMP Kartini 1 dapat menciptakan lebih banyak generasi muda berprestasi untuk masa depan.
Muthiara Maharani
University of ISI Jogja Students
My Junior High School Years at Kartini 1 Batam were an essential part of my academic journey. The teachers' expertise and enthusiasm, along with the curriculum, encouraged me to think critically and actively engage in my education. Engaging discussions with both teahers and peers broadened my understanding and procided me with diverse perspectives. Moreover the friendly atmosphere created by the teachers made students feel comfortable expressing their opinions. The supportive friendship circle and positive social ennvironment further enhanced my experience. Overall, my time at Kartini provided me with valuable skills and perspectives for success in academics and social life.
Sabina Harnia Putri Pratamura
University of Melbourne Students